За життя

Працю на пляжі вигадав якийсь фантазер з Якутії - сонце в очі б'є, екран не видно, ноутбук перегрівається...

Як людина, що все робоче життя провела в американській work culture, не можу не здивуватися у влучності наведених нижче слів.
If the truth be told, the best solution is to give employees the opposite of what they're being given now. How many times -- especially in the American work culture -- have you seen employees completely unable to take vacations? And even when they do, somehow, they still get contacted for this, that, or the other bit of work. That's the beauty of technology. A culture where breaks are encouraged and respected? It's not just that most companies don't have that. It's that America doesn't have that. America has a work culture. It doesn't have a life culture. An ethos of constant individualistic drive isn't capable of embracing, well, having a life. When you tell him that you're tired and you need a long break, Atlas just shrugs. |